Thursday, October 27, 2016

Kill Cancer Before It Kills You

Rudolf Breuss was an Austrian doctor best known for his dedication to finding a natural cancer cure.
His years of study led him to develop a 42 day juicing diet designed to kill developing cancer cells. Since its introduction in 1980, more than 45,000 patients have reportedly found success with the treatment.
People without cancer have also tried the diet (sometimes for as little as one week) and reportedsignificant positive health effects, including:
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced risk of cold and flu

The Diet

As part of the diet, which is outlined in The Breuss Cancer Cure, patients are instructed not to eat any solid foods for 42 days. Instead, vegetables are turned into a juice.
One serving of the recipe requires:
  • 1 beet
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery stick
  • Half a potato
  • 1 radish
Those ingredients should be juiced and strained to remove any chunks.
I Hope This Will Be Helpful To You...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Pineal Gland

The THIRD EYE of Lord Shiva is in reality is the Pineal Gland. This super conducting resonator has mystical powers. Once the third eye is developed it is far more powerful than any of your 5 human senses.

Though it is not part of the brain, the pineal gland develops from the roof of the diencephalon, a section of the brain, and functions as a light receptor. Darwin may not agree with me -- but, the pineal gland is the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. . This gland synthesizes melatonin and enzymes sensitive to diurnal light. Rhythmic changes in its activity in response to cyclical photic input shows that the gland serves as a biological clock.

To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal ( soul ) and the pituitary ( body ) glands must vibrate in YIN-YANG unison, to create a field , which is achieved through meditation, Mantra chanting ( cymatics )and Surya yog ( sun gazing.)

The great Himalayan masters did surya yog by gazing at the rising sun with a silver coin placed in between the eyebrows on the forehead .

The solar wind at dawn, charging the earth’s magnetic field, stimulates the pineal gland. This is the best time to meditate , chant and sun gaze. At dawn, the negatively charged pineal and the positively charged pituitary combine their essences to create a "light in the head".

Friday, October 14, 2016

People Are Bound To Awaken

Date:- 14-10-2016

From few month I  am observing in my neighborhood that people are unexpectedly going off from their lives.
the most common detected  problem was "Cancer"
The environment we are today mostly living is carbonized with various excreted from factories, automobile, etc.
you guys like me must have notice that crows, eagles, are now a days off sights.guesses are being made the causes are radiations from mobile tower.
"we are in continue process making love with all those unavoidable excretion"  
 Certainly, i do agree those things are beyond our reach to control.
But,    can we stop a minute and thing about those we can work on?

So, it's in better words we can say it "Prevention".
I always observe people feel prevention is expensive, rather sometime they forget what cure is going to charge them,

People are equally surrounded by those mentors also who conceive knowledge, work on alternative situations to up bring people  with defense system as bad as they are in affected environment.

Mostly, during my suggestion to people, I realized.
People when construct house, they calculate everything superior. from bathroom interiors, designer wardrobe to marbling floors and staircases but they never count something for Health.. Why..??mm No answer with me too..

From all the mentioned above, one more things that is every second affecting us is the food we consume.
each bite is a mixture of chemical. which are given for fast, delightful farming. the problem is with both farmers and consumers. one want to grow in quantity, the other want mirror like shine.

We can prevent ourselves, from our blood turning to syrup, from our body getting weak. if we along with doctors, start visiting a nutrition advisor, dietician who can in same pull us back to best.

Few Practices can bring a big change among those who are your dependents..

Thanking You
Vikas Agarwal 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Nutrition And Life.

Very Often I meet people from both genders who are into homemaking, job, self-employment regardless the gender both face equal problems in their activities of life. i.e:- tiredness, unnecessary worries, rigid, lethargy, and continuous nervous.
The cause indicates for many was living life with insecurity. Hoping a better life ahead and working towards it with positive belief is one of the necessary asset which we have to build in self. Most people who being highly ambitious take up some sort of wrong way toward their goals might always remain life with fear of insecurity.

Remedies through Various meditation, Exercise, Improving and scheduling day to day activity is never able to give 100% achievement nor near to 50-60's.

After going through many international research I found,
People start developing this attitude in their early age, which gradually decreases their body power to action to every reaction. which mean every human body is capable to set back it self from any wound, emotions,bad memory. for long time those who remain for any reason are into any unwanted thoughts, feeling start having negative or stop positive chemical process of body. Due to this chemical process (may be negative or positive) deficiency start causing in human body.which lead to certain minor problems in body.

Earlier the diseases were physical which was not in control of human. but know a days the diseases arise from our life style. out thoughts, habits, what we consume. but studies have been found what we think , and how we think, how long we are into one thought also cause of diseases.

But, hopefully lot of institutions are consistently into research how people can be fulfilled from those side effects of chemical process (vitamin Deficiency).
in our whole life we are thought to meet only doctors for our problems. but know its high time we also learn to meet and consult a nutritionist who can advise you for the best life style from food.

most of the food we eat are today chemically processed, which looses all it natural ingredients. So, basically we eating a flavor or just filling stomach.  The process of farming , or the process involve from farming to final product, also storage for longer time steal away all actual content of what we eat.This is also a major cause, which is not not being noticed by general public. as this culture  is very new to us.but at late ages of life people are certainly going to feel it and unfortunately they wont be able to come over it. and at this going people who understand the nutrition and hold on it will definitely walk away smoothly from their journey of life.

Vikas Agarwal